MPC is developing new ways to support our face to face training schedule. Our staff are developing and implementing comprehensive pre course study packages and training modules (offered online or through self-paced study) and we are working on extending our reach through an exciting programme of collaboration with our Military, Police, and Civilian counterparts around the globe. MPC continues to find ways to develop and enrich our learning and teaching capabilities. We are dedicated to delivering the finest multi-dimensional learning environment.
MPC is pleased to partner with the Peace Operations Training Institute to receive e-learning on peace operations courses at no cost. POTI offers courses in English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese. Personnel from the Malaysian Peacekeeping Centre may download all course materials, study their courses offline, take each self-scoring End-of-Lesson Quiz, and when they are ready, take the online End-of-Course Examination. Students who pass the examination with a minimum score of 75 per cent receive a Certificate of Completion for each course.
POTI website can be access here.. https://www.peaceopstraining.org/programs/ntcelp/asia-pacific/mpc/